Self Defense Tips For Women

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), new data shows that violence against women is still widespread and begins at an alarmingly young age. One in every three women, or 736 million, is subjected to physical or sexual assault from an intimate relationship or sexual violence by a non-partner during their lifetime, a figure that has stayed relatively unchanged over the past decade.

These are SHOCKING numbers! For more than 20 years, I have been running specialized self-defense courses and seminars showing hundreds of women how to protect and look after themselves. Increasing personal safety always commences with awareness. Aiki Jujutsu is an effective martial art for both men and women of all ages, but it is especially beneficial to women. Women are among the top Japanese Aiki Jujutsu practitioners. Women lack the same physical power as males, many women find it simpler to grasp and apply Aiki to jujutsu technique naturally.

Here is a list of some tips that you can do immediately that will increase your safety:

  • Focus on the vulnerable areas: Concentrate on your attacker's weak spots: the eyes, nose, throat, and crotch. To have the most impact, aim all of the maneuvers below at one or more of these regions. During the execution, use all of your might and aggression. Make it known that you are a formidable woman. Make use of your voice as well. Make a lot of noise to intimidate the assailant and attract attention if anyone is close.

  • Use weapons: One of the simplest ways to defend yourself is to use your car keys. Use your fingernails sparingly since you run the risk of injuring your hands. Instead, if you're walking at night and feel insecure, keep your keys protruding from one side of your fist to protect yourself against hammer strikes. Another way to use your keys is to click them onto a lanyard to swing at your attacker.

  • Listen to your gut feeling: Being aware of your surroundings is one of the most critical parts of self-defense that can stop an attack. Make eye contact with those around you. Keep your eyes peeled for what's going on around you. What if you get a strange gut feeling or the hairs on the back of your neck stand up? Then pay close heed to your gut instincts.

  • Don’t panic if you are knocked down: Most assailants are bullies who are used to pushing women down and forcing them to submit. On the ground, remember that the heel-palm and eye strikes are effective. It's also a good idea to have a couple of kicks that work there. While you fight your attacker, he is unlikely to protect his groin. Once you see an opening, aim for the groin.

  • Follow through: The battle isn't ended until the threat is gone. As a result, you must be fully devoted to the fight. You lose the first edge you earned from employing the element of surprise if you fight back and then halt. It becomes more difficult to win if your opponent realizes you can fight. To stay alive, you'll have to keep striking until it's safe to stop and flee.

  • Train with us at Jutsu USA: Our program teaches you to use effective techniques in the face of danger. We run drills to simulate realistic attacks you may encounter in the real world. With practice, you can leverage an attacker’s weight against them, allowing you to escape and get to safety unharmed.


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